Author: Marisa Bernhard

Meatballs and Sauce, A Sunday Tradition – Wednesday’s Dinner –

Meatballs and Sauce, A Sunday Tradition – Wednesday’s Dinner –

Sunday Tradition – Wednesday’s Dinner

Sunday  Plans

Sunday Plans

Yesterday I was focused on yesterday, and today I am focused on today and the next 5 days. Going through the flier from my local supermarket, I plan our meals and lunches for the week.

Cooking Instinctively

Cooking Instinctively

How do you cook? Do you follow a recipe word for word; or are you more daring and wing it? Last week while I was preparing dinner – hubby asked if I had tasted what was in the pan before I proceeded to the next step; it first surprised me that he asked, and then I realized that I hadn’t. 

The reason was, I trusted that it would taste exactly how it should. Yet he was right I should taste it before I continue, it might need more salt or any of the spices that I had used. Therefore, I did have a small taste – and as I said earlier, it tasted exactly how I thought it would taste, no need to add anything to the dish it was delicious.

Normally, while I am cooking, I do have a taste of what I am preparing. However, I don’t overdo it, I check if I added enough salt, or if it needs something else. You see I trust my cooking, I trust my eyes, my sense of smell, and the aroma that permeates my kitchen.

So how do I cook? I believe that I cook instinctively. Many times I don’t have a recipe in front of me, that I am following word for word, in fact, what I do have are several recipes floating in my head for the same dish along with tips and techniques too.

I read and research recipes, I watch cooking shows, and food recipe videos (especially the “Tasty” Facebook videos) I have images of my mom, aunts, and Grandparents cooking while I sat in the kitchen watching. I also have memories of me cooking elaborate meals when I was twelve. I see myself making chicken parmesan, and baked ziti. I see me at twelve again, setting a tall wine glass that is half filled with unset jello; I am placing it in the refrigerator leaning it against the wall to have the jello set on an angle.

I actually have fragments of recipes in my head floating around; even so sometimes, I do need to refer to a recipe just to confirm if I can use garlic, or if I can pair an ingredient with a certain herb. On occasion, I just need to be reminded about oven temperature and even length of cooking time.

Consequently, even with the fragment recipes, and my ability to cook instinctively. I can honestly say that I am always a bit more daring, and winging it too. My certainty that I am sprinkling enough salt, chopping instead of slicing an onion and thinking it might need this… or questioning if a squeeze of lemon is needed, comes from me and a confidence that what I cook and place in front of my diners will always be delicious.

Therefore, last Sunday morning I made blueberry scones and for some unknown reason, I did not follow the recipe, I had on hand …moreover, I went against every baking rule that exists, and just dumped everything in a bowl; wet ingredients, dry ingredients, it didn’t matter it was going in. Somehow, I realized what I had done and sort of was able to remedy the slip-up.

Blueberry scones are scrumptious – the ones I made were scrumptious too, regardless of the technique.



What do you think? I think they look delectable….



Enjoy, the recipe is below, courtesy of Epicurious

[lt_recipe name=”Blueberry Scones With a Lemon Glaze” servings=”8-10″ prep_time=”10″ cook_time=”20-25″ total_time=”30-35″ difficulty=”Easy” summary=”Blueberry scones are scrumptious ” print=”yes” image=”” ingredients=”Enjoy the recipe below, courtesy of Epicurious ;;2 cups flour;2 Tbsp. sugar;2 1/2 tbsp. baking powder;1/8 Tsp. salt;3/4 cups butter, melted;2 eggs, beaten;1/4 cups milk;2/3 cups blueberries;” ]PREPARATION; Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl and mix well. In a small bowl, stir together butter, eggs, and milk. Pour into flour mixture, and mix until ingredients bind together. Stir in blueberries. Turn dough out onto a floured surface. Pat out to a 9-inch circle and cut into eight wedges. Transfer with a spatula to a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden. Makes eight;[/lt_recipe]

[lt_recipe name=”Lemon Glaze” servings=”Enough for 8 Scones” prep_time=”10 MINUTES OR LESS” cook_time=”NONE” total_time=”10 MINUTES” difficulty=”Simple” summary=”Lemon Glaze – Drizzle On” print=”yes” image=”×288.jpg” ingredients=”2/3 cup of confectioner sugar ;1 Tablespoon of milk ;Zest ½ of a lemon (1 teaspoon);The juice of ½ of a lemon ;1 or two drops of vanilla ;” ]Mix until smooth and drizzle on scones – allow scones to cool a bit before drizzling the icing.[/lt_recipe]


Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!!!



Saturday On My Mind –

Saturday On My Mind –

My love for Saturdays is immeasurable, perhaps a little odd too.

“I Love and Live for Happy Endings …

“I Love and Live for Happy Endings …

“I love and live for happy endings …
The night is winding down, the dinner was delicious, you and I are cleaning up the dishes and making room on the table. We are tidying the kitchen, as well as prepping for the next round.
Dessert is next, now how about that for a happy ending!

Worth The Effort Crockpot Chili

Worth The Effort Crockpot Chili

Dinner will be served in a jiffy…

I didn’t want to spend too much time away from my guests, so for dinner, I decided on Chili; I prepared dinner earlier this morning – put it all in the crockpot and voila – Crock-pot Chili.

While I set up a few last minute items, let’s talk….

You know what; I make many claims here at Mangia, Mangia…No Talk

In one of my earlier post, I claimed this tidbit:

“To me, it’s all the same whether I am cooking a dinner for four, or preparing a party for twenty, each time it has to be good quality food and it has to be delicious. The task must be enjoyable and easy. It shouldn’t be stressful but almost peaceful, after all, I am cooking to nurture, and taking care of my family and/or guests.”

I still believe that, yet these days it’s not easy to entertain a group of twenty. We are all so busy, spread out thin and quite honestly, some of us just need moments to ourselves – or a few of us are feeling it is not worth the effort; yours truly included in that group.

Yet I want to remind us or me; that having a get together is worth the effort… a get-together and I say this often, is a real tangible gathering – it is not a virtual group social, but a real physical meeting.




Let’s face it, and be honest with one another, times are tough, in more ways than one. A get together can be costly, but there isn’t any way of getting around that.

It is what it is… Hey, let’s promise to keep it simple; and listen to me, if your guest(s) offers to help – accept it gracefully and take the person(s) up on that.

Let’s also remember that if you are invited to someone’s home; do not arrive at the house empty-handed – you must bring something. You can bring a dessert, a bottle of wine, or you can bring a case of beer. If none of these interest you, offer to bring fruit or an appetizer, even if you are given strict instructions not to bring anything, arrive with something – just bring dessert; (you can never go wrong with a box of cannolis) . On occasion l  have included a host gift; there are so many ideas and many ways to get creative. I will always find something at Home Goods, TJ Max, Marshall’s, and let’s not forget The Christmas Tree Store or Target.


One of my favorites things to do is, search for beautiful plates or platters, odd stunning plates, then bring the plates to my local bakery and ask if they would set-up miniature pastries on it, and wrap it in cellophane; the bakery is always happy to oblige. Of course, the dishes or platters are washed before I do that, and the pastries are set up the day of the event. One time I made my own chocolate covered strawberries and set that up at my home; I believe that was a housewarming gift.


Last year at a 4th of July BBQ that my sister Silvana was having; she left me in charge of the coleslaw; I made the coleslaw rather than buying it. I made enough to fill up three rectangular plastic containers – I wrapped all three containers in twine and ribbon then added on top of the containers, salad forks and a plaque for my brother-in-law that said Uncle Mark’s Bar.

See, the options and creativity are endless, but my point is, you must always bring something when invited to someone’s home… it is a good gesture (or as we say it “Bella Figura”)


Today I made Crock-pot Chili – it doesn’t get simpler than that….On the side, I made some rice, plain white rice, to add to the chili. We have corn bread that I picked up at the supermarket – (keeping it simple) one day I will make homemade cornbread. I also have a green salad with just romaine lettuce and a lemon–garlic dressing.

On the table are bowls of shredded cheddar and Monterey cheese along with some sour cream, and rolls too.

Chili in a crock-pot is simple – Chop meat, lean or chuck; beef, or turkey whatever you prefer is fine; beans, a red tomato sauce, green peppers, onions, and time. The recipe is below.


So let’s all remember that inviting your friends or family over for a dinner, or an impromptu get together, is worth the effort; because no matter what; I cannot remember a time that we didn’t laugh. Our stories from the past come out of nowhere and someone always starts to giggle infectiously, it never fails, we laugh, and we remember why we are friends.

The bonus is that days after these get together I feel lighter, a bounce to my step. I am reminded that I have peeps; they are mine and we are connected and bonded always. Then I always wonder why I waited so long..

These days we have so much on our minds, times are not easy – virtually we are all connected by Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. We know what each of us is doing with our days; know what we are eating, what we stand for and what we don’t stand for. It is out there; we are out there and maybe it feels like it is normal to say, “Oh he or she is doing great, I saw a post of them on …”

But really, how normal is that….and why are we allowing ourselves to get used to that.

Bottom-line is we all know too much… my friends must know that the hippy in me will not tolerate hatred, conflict, and violence. And I know that when we get together we are laughing out loud, joking with one another and bringing up past events that bonded us forever….

Are you hungry; let’s go eat dinner….afterward we feast on sweet, sweet desserts. Continue reading Worth The Effort Crockpot Chili

Welcome All, – So happy to have you visit…

Welcome All, – So happy to have you visit…

So let’s do casual, you and I that is.  What are you drinking?  Here you go I just poured myself a glass of pinot grigio. It is refreshing.

We Moved  To WordPress

We Moved To WordPress

Hello – I never thought I was going to do this. I decided that it is time for changes here at Mangia, Mangia…No Talk!